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Caged Canary And Chained Dog

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Author : Prerna Jain

Through the centuries, man has domesticated quite a few animals to serve his needs, and sometimes to serve no need at all. It is definitely cruel to keep any animal or bird in captivity; worse is to confine them in cages, or, chain them. We should realise that animals have their own will, want to walk about as per their longing, and wish to act according to their own instincts and desires.

How often have we seen caged animals pacing their cages in futile attempts to escape? Can we imagine the frustration they feel?

We (humans) hold the sense of justice so ‘dear’, but it should be extended to ‘all creatures’.

Caging animals yields egoistic pleasures of power over them. We derive sadistic pleasure out of their helplessness. Bondages likes chains and cages  just serve the purpose of controlling them.

We even have audacity to tame and chain the mighty elephant.

If we cannot look after them, if we cannot love or respect them, then why captivate them?

I guess, ‘pet owners’ do it because the creatures are powerless and can’t prevent themselves from being confined. Its ‘survival of the fittest’.

‘Imagine’ yourself being robbed of such rights…you would rather die than yield.

Only in the cruelest of regimes are men and women confined without their having committed crimes.

Even political prisoners are confined only because the government — good or otherwise — feels that they are threats to their power or to the country. By what right then do we imprison animals and birds without any qualms?

P.S. : Pls feel their helplessness and treat them respectfully. And if its still not dawned upon you, well then in that case, always remember ‘its tit for tat‘ (you too will be punished and tortured) or to put it in polite way, ‘every dog has his day‘. All The Best!

Sentenced for Life: Lifetime Prison

Think It Over!!

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